Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The salvage . . . .

The salvage . . . .

I have been going to a little bandsaw mill close to my house for the last few weeks. The mill cuts up both raw logs from the island as well as a lot of salvaged wood from various demolitions and the like.  They also have a large junk pile where those with a nose for such things can go and dig through to their hearts content. I have run into a few other intrepid souls looking for what their energy and ingenuity can provide them. From this pile I have pulled all the lumber used so far to build my little shop. As well as some choice pieces being saved for later creations and to top it all off some firewood to boot. Even today I went to cut up some pieces, old siding, 

thrown out for being too short or slightly rotten, but found them too beautiful for my everyday use so I had to abandon that plan to pile them aside for more carefully chosen work.  They were fir and as most of the scrap I find is cedar, they were just too nice. Fir is such an amazing wood, so strong and yet so light. Yet I have found a new appreciation for red cedar as I have begun to use it for everything, having so much at hand.  Next up the shop doors.

The scrap pile

Ruby (my truck) getting loaded up 

Ready to go!

My faithful helper in all such activities - Tilly!!